mandag den 13. juni 2011

Super salad

Spinach salad with blue cheese crumble, cranberries and walnuts

When I was an intern in the States, I lived on spinach for week at a time. One night, when some colleagues and I had gone out to dinner, I had a wonderful spinach salad with blue cheese, cranberries and walnuts. And I thought to myself: hmm, I can make this too! So off to Walmart!

This salad is really simple, easy to make and so very delicious. Here's what you need:

1 handful of chopped walnuts

1 handful of dried cranberries

1 handful of crumbled blue cheese

3-4 handfuls of fresh spinach

Wash your spinach really well and dry with a kitchen towel. Take all the other ingredients and mix in a bowl. Then pour on top of your fresh spinach. Voila!


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