tirsdag den 8. marts 2011

Breakfast - just add water

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. I simply cannot function without it. One of my friends made breakfast for us one morning not so long ago and gave me a great tip on how to make a quick, bur healthy breakfast.

Don't we all have enough to do in morning? There's never enough time and what if you get out of bed to late because you were out all night with your friends?

Here's a tip: just add water!

Here are some suggestions for a quick, über-tasty and healthy breakfast - with oatmeal


One cup of oatmeal
Half an apple, deseeded and finely or roughly chopped
One handful of raisins/cranberries/dried cheeries or other berries
Big pinch of cinnamon
Some agave nectar (syrup)

Put your chopped apple in the bottom of your bowl. Put your oatmeal on top and sprinkle your berries over it. Top the whole thing off with lots of cinnamon and some agave nectar.

And finally - just add hot water. Stir the ingredients together for a minute or two and voila - delicious, healthy oatmeal porridge.

Tip: if you want to bring it up a notch, try mixing in some dried dates or figs. They add a wonderful sweet flavour that goes really well with the cinnamon. And while you're at it, put in some chopped almonds.

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