onsdag den 5. januar 2011

2011 projects

I don't do New Year resolutions - I do projects and ideas. Unlike a resolution, a project or idea is easier to change or alter, as the year progresses. After having given it some thought, here are my projects and ideas for the coming year:

  • Complete a half-marathon (already signed up for the B.T. half-marathon in Lyngby in May)
  • Go on an adventure/visit a new country (my mother and I have plans to go to Nepal and Tibet in November)
  • Roskilde Festival! (haven't been there before, if you can believe it..)
  • Blog about the Danish Frk. Jensens Kogebog, the Danish equivalent of Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking
  • Do something with my thesis (am not sure yet whether to publish it or turn it into a lecture - or maybe do both)
  • Find a new job

Stay tuned for more..

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